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best violin courses

Violinist.com Violinist.com  ranks at the top of the list for all things violin. This website is a literal musical buffet for teachers, students and anyone interested in just about anything to do with the violin. The “teacher tab” provides useful tips from actual teachers on teaching different techniques, what music is appropriate for what level of playing, and much more. Another popular feature on this website is its discussion board, where people can post questions and start discussions on any topic related to violin and receive expert advice from the website’s members. Read this discussion about  bow pressure on different violins . The Violin Site The Violin Site  is a huge site offering a vast supply of resources on learning the violin, violin makers and shops, practice tips and exercises, biographies of famous violinists and composers, as well as a good selection of  free sheet music. Learn about improving your intonation or buff up your musical voc...

12 Secrets to learn violin faster

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7 Key Etiquette Tips for Your Job Search

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In this post, let me share all freeinterviewquestions.net 's readers about  The 13 most common job interview mistakes  (source:  careerealism.com ). If you want to share more career  development tips, please leave your comments at the end of this post. 1.  Be courteous to everyone, everywhere all the time. Of course it should go without saying that you need to be polite to everyone when you are being interviewed. But you never know what cameras record in the reception area, or if your muttering in the restroom is unknowingly addressed to the hiring manager you are about to formally meet for the first time. Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale and U.S. News blogger, counseled in a recent tweet: “Be courteous in the gym – it’s possible your next prospect [i.e. hiring manager] is working out next to you.” (@smoothsale) 2.   Don’t waste people’s time. Hiring managers, human resources professionals and recruiters are all busy. Don’t be the person who ...

The 13 most common job interview mistakes

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In this post, let me share all freeinterviewquestions.net 's readers about  The 13 most common job interview mistakes  (source:  careerealism.com ). If you want to share more career  development tips, please leave your comments at the end of this post. 1. Showing off Despite what you might see on The Apprentice, employers are rarely impressed by outrageous claims or displays of ego. Make sure all your bragging is justified, says Philip Oldham. "The sort of personality that has done everything everyone else has, and has a story about it, is generally out for glory and doesn't put any effort into the job to achieve it." According to Quora poster Yishan Wong, whose answer recieved almost 2,000 upvotes, "Showing off is a gamble: if you pull it off, good for you. If not, expect no sympathy." 2. Failing to do your homework In today's information age, there is absolutely no excuse for knowing nothing about the company you are applying to work for. "This in...

Top 10 Job Interview Tips for Job-Seekers

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In this post, let me share all freeinterviewquestions.net 's readers about  Top 10 Job Interview Tips for Job-Seekers  (source:  livecareer.com). If you want to share more career  development tips, please leave your comments at the end of this post. 1. Conduct Research on the Employer, Hiring Manager, Job Opportunity.   Success in a job interview starts with a solid foundation of knowledge on the job-seeker’s part. You should understand the employer, the requirements of the job, and the background of the person (or people) interviewing you. The more research you conduct, the more you’ll understand the employer, and the better you’ll be able to answer interview questions (as well as ask insightful questions — see #8). 2. Review Common Interview Questions and Prepare Responses. Another key to interview success is preparing responses to expected interview questions. First, inquire as to the type of interview to expect (which you can do by asking your contact p...

10 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Career

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In this post, let me share all freeinterviewquestions.net 's readers about  10 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Career  (source:  careerealism.com ). If you want to share more career  development tips, please leave your comments at the end of this post. 1. Set small goals regularly When it comes to annual reviews, there is so much focus on goals for the year. A year is a long time; too long in fact to set tangible, achievable goals. Therefore, it is far more wise to set smaller goals throughout the year. Think about your day-to-day work. What could you be doing to elevate that work? Are there skills you could learn to help you advance? Think about this for a bit and then make a list of goals that relate to these items. And then, once you’ve set the goals, give yourself a deadline to have learned these things. When you’ve hit the deadline… give yourself a grade. Seriously. It works. Did you do it? Did you do it well? Then ask someone else how they would score or...

10 Tips for Successful Career Planning

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In this post, let me share all freeinterviewquestions.net 's readers about  10 Tips for Successful Career Planning  (source: livecareer.com ). If you want to share more career development tips, please leave your comments at the end of this post. 1. Make Career Planning an Annual Event Many of us have physicals, visit the eye doctor and dentist, and do a myriad of other things on an annual basis, so why not career planning? Find a day or weekend once a year — more often if you feel the need or if you’re planning a major career change — and schedule a retreat for yourself. Try to block out all distractions so that you have the time to truly focus on your career — what you really want out of your career, out of your life. By making career planning an annual event, you will feel more secure in your career choice and direction — and you’ll be better prepared for the many uncertainties and difficulties that lie ahead in all of our jobs and career. 2. Map Your Path Since La...