7 Key Etiquette Tips for Your Job Search
In this post, let me share all freeinterviewquestions.net 's readers about The 13 most common job interview mistakes (source: careerealism.com ). If you want to share more career development tips, please leave your comments at the end of this post. 1. Be courteous to everyone, everywhere all the time. Of course it should go without saying that you need to be polite to everyone when you are being interviewed. But you never know what cameras record in the reception area, or if your muttering in the restroom is unknowingly addressed to the hiring manager you are about to formally meet for the first time. Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale and U.S. News blogger, counseled in a recent tweet: “Be courteous in the gym – it’s possible your next prospect [i.e. hiring manager] is working out next to you.” (@smoothsale) 2. Don’t waste people’s time. Hiring managers, human resources professionals and recruiters are all busy. Don’t be the person who ...