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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2018

best violin courses

Violinist.com Violinist.com  ranks at the top of the list for all things violin. This website is a literal musical buffet for teachers, students and anyone interested in just about anything to do with the violin. The “teacher tab” provides useful tips from actual teachers on teaching different techniques, what music is appropriate for what level of playing, and much more. Another popular feature on this website is its discussion board, where people can post questions and start discussions on any topic related to violin and receive expert advice from the website’s members. Read this discussion about  bow pressure on different violins . The Violin Site The Violin Site  is a huge site offering a vast supply of resources on learning the violin, violin makers and shops, practice tips and exercises, biographies of famous violinists and composers, as well as a good selection of  free sheet music. Learn about improving your intonation or buff up your musical voc...